Quando ormai la rassegnazione aveva preso il sopravvento, Hugh Jackman torna a parlare di Darren Aronofsky e di come la sua versione del film sarebbe stata la Passione dei cinefumetti. Grazie Hugh per la tua sensibilità. Attenzione: come se non bastasse afferma anche che la rivisitazione dello script, ad opera del regista entrante James Mangold e dello sceneggiatore Mark Bomback è, forse, anche meglio dell'originale.
«We had a script that was under Darren Aronofsky’s directorial—it’s 85 percent the same. Darren took it in a Darren Aronofsky way and it’s a version I know fans would have liked to have seen. I would have loved to have seen it. James Mangold’s version of the script brought Mark Bomback on. We always had a strong base there. This is the best script we have had, which is precisely why Darren signed on. I tried to get Darren to do X3 and Wolverine and he was always like, ‘It’s not really for me.’ I knew he was looking for a comic book movie and he read this one and he goes, ‘Hey, this is the best one I’ve ever read.’ So there is a lot of meat on the bone there. Now, Mark and Jim have taken it and I think that it as strong, if not stronger, than what we would have had with Darren.»
Qui l'articolo completo.